Have you ever had the feeling that your gut is showing you the right path, even when your head is still doubtful? That quiet voice in your head that often points you in the right direction is your intuition. It is a powerful guide that helps you make decisions and shape your life by following your deepest beliefs and values.
But what is our intuition?
Intuition is a form of knowledge that exists beyond rational thoughts. It is an immediate insight or a deep inner feeling, a certainty that arises without conscious thought. But it can also manifest itself as an emotional inkling, inspiration, or premonition. It is often referred to as a “gut feeling” or “sixth sense.” It helps us make choices and assess the current situation. She doesn’t follow any logic but makes apparently arbitrary results. This makes it difficult for us to explain our decisions afterward because they are not based on rational conclusions. As our intuition is based on unconscious processes that are fed by experiences, emotions, and deeply rooted beliefs, our subconscious stores all the events and feelings that we have experienced throughout our lives. When making decisions, our inner voice relies on the subconscious experiences just mentioned. Intuition is a very quiet voice, a feeling that is usually the first impulse that pops into your mind when you are faced with a question or situation – before the logician in your head can speak up.
Does everyone have an intuition?
Yes, every person has a gift of intuition. However, over the course of our lives, we can lose connection with it by not listening to it often and by becoming distracted by the noises of everyday life. When you´re stressed, your mind is stuck in survival mode, and you can´t listen to your inner voice to make decisions because it gets lost in the chaos within. So stop, take a deep breath, and listen to your inner voice. What do you see or hear?
How can I get in touch with my intuition?
Intuition can manifest itself in different ways for each person and in various situations:
Physical reactions: a tingling sensation in the stomach, goosebumps, or a warm feeling in the heart. But the hair on the back of your neck standing up, a sinking feeling in your stomach, or a form of rigidity can also give you valuable clues.
Emotional signals: a sudden feeling of clarity or a strong emotional reaction that seems to come out of nowhere. Then ask yourself: What does my intuition want to tell me?
Sudden inspiration: a clear thought or insight that pops into your head without any logical explanation.
Calm clarity: an inner knowing that feels calm and certain even when external circumstances seem uncertain. It can also be a dream or a wish that just won´t seem to let you go.
How can I strengthen my intuition?
Our intuition functions like a muscle that can be strengthened through regular training. Here are some ways to boost your intuition:
Meditation and mindfulness: Both can help you ease your mind and create inner space for intuitive insights. Meditation can bring greater calm and relaxation to your body, allowing you to journey to that quiet, all-knowing place within yourself. A small exercise that you can easily integrate into your everyday life is a muscle test. To do so, press your ring fingers and thumbs together on both sides and interlace the resulting circles on both sides together. Like a weird-shaped figure eight. If you have your fingers intertwined, try to pull them apart. Now ask yourself a yes/no question and try to pull your fingers apart. When answering “yes,” your fingers shouldn´t easily separate from each other. If you say “no,” however, they are easily resolved. Start with a simple question that you clearly know the answer to, such as “Is my name…?”
Journaling: Write down your thoughts and feelings. This helps you recognize patterns and capture intuitive inspiration. For your next journaling session, ask yourself a question and just start writing freely. Observe what your subconscious presents to you as an answer. Write down what images, thoughts, and feelings come up. What does your subconscious want to tell you?
Trust your feelings: Pay attention to your emotions and respect them as an important source of information. If you notice that an emotion is very present right now, let it be there. Feel it. Accept it, and then let it go. Allow yourself to feel. Fun fact: It has been proven that an emotion only stays in our body for up to ninety seconds. Afterwards, the physical reaction disappears. Crazy, right?!
Connecting with nature: Spending time in nature can help you connect with your inner wisdom. Go for a walk consciously, without distractions (phone, music, podcasts, etc.), and observe the nature around you. What do you notice? How do things work in nature, without artificial influences?
Lalaland: Your dreams can provide you with important intuitive messages. Keep a dream diary on your bedside table and reflect on it regularly.
How do I benefit from my intuition?
Your intuition can help you make informed and authentic decisions that are in alignment with your true self. It promotes your creative thinking process and leads to innovative solutions and ideas. Your intuition helps you think big and outside of the box. When you follow your intuition, you strengthen your confidence in yourself and your ability to overcome challenges. Through this gained self-confidence in your inner voice, you can reduce fears and doubts, and get them out of the way quicker to create more space for serenity and joy in life. By challenging your demeanor, you will also be able to build authentic connections with other people and communicate your needs more clearly.
Your intuition is a valuable tool that serves as your inner compass. By learning to listen to and trust this inner voice, you can shape your life path with greater clarity, confidence, and fulfillment. Practice strengthening your intuition regularly, and watch your life change for the better. Your basic sense of trust shows you the way - follow it and discover the power of your inner wisdom. Because the answers you are looking for outside are already lying dormant within you.